Sunday, January 11, 2009

Once again catching up..

So I have been back in KC now for a week after a wonderful couple weeks at home with the fam and the team for X-mas break. Tayler and I drove back a couple days before Christmas and what should have been a 9 hr drive turned into a 30 something hour ordeal straight out of a movie, complete with almost death on an icy road, staying in a crappy roadside motel where the power went out, and a truck stop full of running trucks and crazy drivers. Just picture the movie Joyride. 

Anyway, once we made it back it was a great break, well except for the trips to the emergency room and CSU Vet hospital twice for Bentley to get his spleen out, and then re-do the stitches. Ha I guess Bent is not a big fan of holidays because he managed to get hurt on both Christmas and New Years. All that matters though is that he is healthy and happy again, although looking very homeless from the shaving of his entire belly. 

It was great to spend some time with my family and see my bro for a bit, as well as get to spend some much needed down time with my girl.  It was great to be able to relax with her and not have to think about school at all. We had some great hikes, and saw some good movies. 

From a training perspective it was solid for sure. Put in an 8k swim, re-did the 10k time trial at the pain cave, crushed my previous effort, and just as important took G off the top. Although it was a somewhat humbling experience doing the workout next to Olmpic cyclist Tayler Phinney and having my ass handed to me over the last half of it. Good effort, watts are up, and my running is coming along. The foot is not perfect yet, but I seem to be able to do what I want on it so far as long as I ice and take care of it. Speed will be the next test as my last two sessions of speed changes resulted in some definite soreness. 

Now I am getting psyched up for the season of racing to begin. Might be heading to Mexico in March for an early season ITU, see if I can get my draft legal run form on track right out of the gate! Things with Tayler have never been better and KC is definitely growing on me, although it won't matter since she will most likely not be here next year. 

Bottomline: training is going well, girlfriend is good, dog is healthy and life is great! Now if only the US bottomline were that good...PEACE!

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