Friday, August 13, 2010

Quick update

Since the last post I have been busy working on my speed for the upcoming races. Did a little trial run down at the USAT development race in Colorado Springs a couple weeks ago, and things went well. Had a solid swim, worked on cornering on the technical bike and then tried to hammer out a good fast 5k. Came away with a good victory and some confidence leading into these last couple weeks of training before heading to Sprint Worlds on Tuesday.

This week has been a really good week of training so far. Had a tough run session on Tuesday with the crew down at Viele Lake with 1mi and 1k repeats and then a good hard hill set of intervals on the bike on Wednesday, again with the BCSM crew. Big volume swim with some good pace yesterday and then today was up at BCSM in the pain cave working on my foot speed on the treadmill. Did a set of 30x 30sec@race pace/30 sec recovery and since it was on a treadmill it was a great chance to work on my foot speed while trying to stay relaxed.

Coming out of the week I am really excited about next weekend, especially the sprint relay on Sunday, and then psyched to get back state-side for Chicago the following week.

Foot is in good sorts, training is well, the remodel of the house is going nicely and the dog is...well a puppy. Check back for a post trip recap next week.

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