Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Biggest win of my life...thanks to my support crew

This past Sunday was unequivocally the biggest moment in my sporting career. I took on some of the absolute best racers that triathlon has ever seen and beat them at one of the biggest races in the world. Crowie is the two time defending Ironman World Champ. Greg Bennett has won just about everything under the sun shorter than an Ironman, and Matt Reed is the most dominant short course racer maybe ever...and I beat them!

It is just now really starting to sink in what I was able to accomplish this past weekend and as I look back on it, it makes me think about all the hard work I have put in to get here and all the people that have supported me along the way. So this will be a very short race recap and a much more thorough thanks to those that have helped along the way, and I apologize beforehand if this gets long. No one succeeds without a lot of help and guidance.

Swim - got out well on Dustin and Matt's feet and held on the whole way for a strong 2nd place exit.
T1 - solid run, speed suit off, off we go on the cobbles
Bike - caught Matty at mile 3, felt great, dropped the hammer...needed a big head start on runners
T2 - nice and smooth, headband on off we go
Run - great through 5k, suffered a bit the next couple, wheels started to fall off but form work and consistency gave me the strength I needed
Finish - Yeah the pic's look like I might eat a baby, but hey never won anything like this before!

-First and foremost to my Family. Mom and Dad for your never ending support and encouragement, from 8&U swimming all the way till now, and Brandon for always telling me the truth.
- My friends, who although they didn't always understand why I would get up that early or why I would ever want to swim after college was done, for your belief in my abilities and encouragement to follow my dreams
- My coaches/mentors...Neal for the science that drives the train, Grant for the pool work and the much needed slap in the face sometimes, Tim for the encouragement and advice all along the way.
- My sponsors
- Kestrel ( Thank you Kelly and Matt)... make one hell of a fast bike
- Blue Seventy, longest standing relationship and really good people
- Pearl Izumi (Thanks Tim)... an amazing company that makes the absolute best gear in the world!
- Breeze Bars... killer nutrition on the go
- Clif Shot and Shimano for good eats and the best in bike components
-Tri-Massage... Josh for keeping me going and helping me solve the foot!

There are plenty of other people and companies that have helped me along the way and thank you to all of them as well.

Hopefully, this doesn't sound like a retirement speech because I'm not going anywhere but Sunday was a huge moment for me and it took a lot of help to get there and acknowledgement of them is important.

Next up for me is Rev3 Knoxville... another lil showdown on the TT and a chance to take my girlfriend on her first trip to the south and see my grandma.

More big things to come... still ALL IN!

1 comment:

Ptaz said...

You deserve it Ram. And this is only the beginning!