So I have been in Europe for about 2.5 days now and am starting to feel good again. Have been sleeping a lot and my stomach was a bit off but didn't feel the time change too much. Didn't really have any trouble sleeping on the plane and we ran through Heathrow following a guy from British Air and made our plane to Budapest. Unfortunately none of the bags or the bike made it to Budapest so we headed to the hotel in Tiszy and the bags were supposed to come the next day. They didn't come as easly as promised but they did get here and the bike was in good form. Did an easy swim and run yesterday and then today got out on the bike course and did an easy jog as well. The bike course is cool but different. It has an 8k lead out from the lake to the town and then a 7 lap crit loop that has a lot of turns. In the past there haven't been many breaks at this race, but looking at the course I can't quite figure out why. The start list is crammed with swimmers so hopefully we can make something happen.
Hungary is pretty cool. Tiszy is a small town so not much to see hear but the food is alright, been drinking lots of bottled water. Looking forward to checking out Budapest after the race and getting a better feel for the place. I go off at 1:30pm on Sunday so for those of you back in the states that is 5:30am so make sure to set your alarms early and check out the race live on
1 comment:
You're the man, GO GET EM!
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